Non-Arsey Neuro called me back first thing this morning but he only had a few minutes to spare.  He has several offices around the city and was leaving for another one, not the one where I see him.  Still, he deserves kudos as how many doctors even speak to patients over the phone, anyway?

However, and I even wrote that this was a possibility, my “prescription?” Doctors Orders?

Bed Rest and Call Back on Monday. *PA sighs*

So, that will be bringing us close to the three week, post-“ick”tal© period.  At this point, I am going to refer to it as that, as basically, that is the medical term–whether the individual is ill or not.  Okay, in the medical profession they don’t use the “ick”© part.  But, they have “ictal,” ‘inter-ictal,” “peri-ictal.”  You get my point.

I called Grocery Man, who again is waiting in the wings, should I need to go Non-Arsey Neuro’s office.  He said to call back immediately if anything worsens.  That makes good sense.  OMG.

I need people around me right now that make sense.  Ironically, I am feeling worse today.  The nausea has ramped up and so has the cognitive impairment–thus the dire need for people around me that make sense, actually.  This could all be Mind-Body-Associated because: a) I have now spoken to Non-Arsey Neuro today; completely stressed out when he didn’t call yesterday and/but b) even though I knew this possible outcome, I have to wait a week to see if this shit goes away.

More temperature dysregulation/thermoregulation problems.  More cognitive impairment, nausea, headaches, fatigue which are typical post-“ick”tal© symptoms.  Indeed, these may fade away with time, however, I need to take care of other matters.  These matters can not be taken care of from my bed.  At the moment, I can not think clearly enough to even navigate how to take care of these matters anyway!

Oh, wouldn’t it be grand if this just resolved itself on its own? For today, though? I’m not going to think of anything.  Especially since I do feel worse.  If I’m supposed to stay in bed for a whole week anyway, maybe I’ll be able to think more clearly tomorrow.

  1. lili

    I’m here sweetie. Let me know how everything goes.


  2. Hi lili. Thanks so much for your continuing and ongoing support. It means so much.

    So far? Well, the status quo. Nothing much has changed, although J. came by and I/we made it down to the end of my street. So, it was good to get out for just for a little bit.

    It’s a lovely day, so more fresh air than me just sitting outside for brief intervals while having tea.

    We had ice cream, too! *laughing*


  3. lili

    I’m glad you got out and about. Fun is definitely what’s needed right now.


  4. Hi lili. Yes, it did prove to be a good distraction today, because as per my post, I am not really capable of anything that requires too many brain cells. Maybe I can spark some neurons up tomorrow.


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