Quickie…More Later?

Thank you to a couple of bloggers that I think were a bit concerned as to why I hadn’t posted over the last couple of days.  How interesting that my rampant posting is becoming noticeable.  I guess now I really am getting known as “The Mad Blogger.”  Or at least in terms of the prolific.

Or perhaps it was shades of PAs “disappearing act” before she went inpatient in April and everyone was ‘what the hell'(?!) as they couldn’t find her, reach her and her blog lay silent. Granted, I have given no clues up to this point that I am completely suicidal, engaging in self harm or anything like that.

I have been rather down the last few days.  Even to the point of ignoring my blog which is indeed strange.  Very strange.  But I don’t like to ignore commenters.  They have taken the time to speak to me and deserve responses.

I think I have more to say about what has brought this on but time will not allow it at the moment.  So I’ll probably be back…well, I shouldn’t say “probably.”  That might freak everyone out.

I’ll be back.  Perhaps even later today.

  1. sodajerk

    Take care PA.


  2. If you think anger and bitter cynicism is funny I’m working on a new blog you might be interested in… http://dumbwaiter.wordpress.com if, on the other hand, the exact opposite works for you, don’t forget you have a beach nearby. Feel the sand between your toes before it turns to snow… whoops, that “snow” comment was some of the new blog coming out.


  3. sand between the toes is lovely…

    so is chocolate

    and shoes


  4. freaking out!!!

    no. not really.


  5. Symbiosis

    Life is hard…i wish sometimes i was a child again..oblivious of the world…just happy being me!


  6. Hi sodajerk, thanks dear.

    Hey Gabriel, no that absolutely works for me…are you kidding? By the way, is the pic okay? Can you shrink it?

    Oh aikaterine, I wish I could enjoy life as much as you…you are a very lucky woman.

    darkentries, I don’t know why you are freaking out but then you said you weren’t so I hope you are alright.

    Hi Symbiosis, yes, life is…wow…can I ask you something? Email me and tell me about your Boards? You know I’m such a medical geek and I’d love to hear all about it and what you’re up to…only if you want to of course…



  7. PA –

    I have some fairly significant memory problems am easily entertained. Consequently, I am not able to easily recall the crap parts of my life am constantly amused.

    Combine that with the whole living in the moment and a blessed delusional happiness is not far behind.

    I think your memory is a lot better than mine. If I could remember most of the shit that I have been through, things would probably be very different. You need one of those men in black memory eraser jobbies.

    But, then again, my memory issues have problems of their own. Which I forget about, of course. But it does cause issues for people I care about.

    I am rambly today.


  8. dammit, there should be an ‘and’ betweenn ‘life’ and ‘am’ in the first sentence. Proofread Aikaterine, proofread.


  9. and one between ‘problems’ and ‘am’ also.

    You said ‘jobbies’… hee


  10. argghhhh, my brain is always a sentence ahead of the one I am typing. This bothers me.

    “I’m off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of…”

    What was I talking about?


  11. Oh aikaterine, I might be able to beat you on memory issues. Number one, I can’t remember the vast majority of my past due to childhood trauma and number two, Anticonvulsants make you stoopid and mess with your short term and other stuff.

    So I feel like a dope with words, mostly but other things too. Actually, a lot of other things. Yes, I may come off like I know a lot (or some?) of things I write about but I am constantly needing to reference things over and over again to check some just to make sure I’ve got it right.

    And I type like a crazy person as well and need to proof incessantly–and sometimes I still screw up. Not to worry.

    Actually, it’s been studied and your brain can substitute missing words and vowels as it knows that they should be there. We just know how to read. I went through your entire post without actually missing the errors as my brain just knew what should have been there.

    And this I didn’t have to research as I know it already. :P

    Hi darkentries…”jobbies.”


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