Archive for August 3rd, 2009

Quite some time ago, PA lost (or thought she lost) someone very dear to her.  It was pretty messy.  At least as far as wee PA was concerned.  Wee PA does not do well with conflict.  Not that this was a re-enactment of WWI but even still.  It was enough for her to run away into her hidey-hole.

And be sad.

Time passed.  But the thoughts of this person never left her mind.  No, no.  She loved this person so much.  But she didn’t know what to do.  She had no idea how to “fix” it.

Well, recently PA reached out tentatively with her hand, not knowing the outcome and guess what? Her hand was accepted by the person that she thought she had lost.

Sometimes, you just need to give things some time? If something “bad” happens, maybe step back, try again and if that person is still there for you…well, they’re still there for you.

PA is now a happy girl that her hand has been taken back and held again.