Archive for August 15th, 2009

Well, the MP3 isn’t “outside,” I am.  This is the first day all year that I have taken baby MacBook outside.  The reason for that is, it seems the “Squiddles” must have decided to make a truce with me.  I haven’t seen any white flags but I haven’t seen any acorns either.  Or at least not many?

I’m not going to mention what that is all about but if you want to hear the dangerous perils I had to face last summer, do a search on my blog for: squiddle. *laughing* I don’t think you will be disappointed.  There’s even a pic of something that really made me hurt!!!

I’m just going to toss something up and make a rather simple post as I have decided that I must try and do some work today! Also, I have some errands that I should run (dammit!) and I will be having a long overdue, social visit with Grocery Man this evening.  Gee, almost sounds like a busy day for PA! Actually, it is.

This song has always had some “ouchies” for PA and I’ve been meaning to stream it for a while now.  No doubt, lots of you probably know it but what the hey.  I can stream something that may be more “obscure” later.  Also, I apologize for the “click” in it.  I couldn’t get one without.

“Leave It Alone” by Moist

Although, more importantly, why is she still awake? Why is she not sleeping? The meds have beep popped long ago and she is all “whoo!” but…?

Perhaps she is struggling with her “ADD Buzzy Brain.”  That’s always a good bet.  It happens so often.  So many things on her mind that even when the great drowsiness hits, ear plugs in, lights off…  It’s like that drowsiness wasn’t so “great.”

Spock is going to have something to eat, she supposes.  Fuzz out and watch some television? Maybe that will bore her into a snooze-fest if anything is on? Or a DVD? If that doesn’t work, Valium/Diazepam to try and assist!

God, this post is stupid.  I’m totally brain fried and have been all day.  I’m feeling stoned out of my mind on Seroquel/Quetiapine (no, I am “whoo!” but I just can’t sleep!)

Okay, let’s hope I can be more useful tomorrow.  Ah, it already is tomorrow.  More useful today, then.